I am a counselor at an elementary school. I have referred Mr. Stephens to all of the teachers and their parents. If your child is struggling in math, Mr Stephens and his staff is the only place you should call. I know personally as he has turned my child’s math career around. I firmly believe in sharing the wealth. When it comes to elevating struggling math students to a level of success, and building up their confidence and self esteem, Double A+ Tutorials are truly the wealth worth sharing. I can’t tell you how many parents from the school has thanked me for referring them to Double A+. As a result of the success that Mr.Stephens has had with our kids, we are trying to have him come and do a professional development to share how to help these struggling students with math. We have been coming to Double A+ for the past three years. My daughter has two years left to graduate and you know Double A+ is going to make she sure she is prepared for all of her math classes. This is money well spent.

- Parent: Ms Johnson