Summer Camps

Regardless of a students’ initial starting level, as their confidence increase and they begin to believe that they are supposed to do well, the sincerity of their efforts match and often times exceed their personal expectations. 

Simplify Math This Summer

The Double A+ SUMMER SERIES is vital to your child excelling. This program is designed to prepare your child for the next grade by introducing the major concepts of the upcoming school year.

While other students are falling behind and not progressing during the summer, ours continue to grow and shine. Call today and let Double A+ change your struggles into another math success story.


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Don’t let your child fall behind

It’s important during the SUMMER to address your child’s gaps in learning that may impede their opportunity to be successful in the next school year. If your child is entering the next grade below level, they will not only struggle to catch up but also to keep up with their current assignments.

Many students are struggling EXCEPT those students who attend Double A+ Tutorials. By focusing on a few major concepts, we are able to ensure a thorough understanding of the critical skills they’ll need to keep up with their peers.

Call today to ensure that your child’s math foundation will build into success.

Call Us Now for Your FREE Tutoring Consultation:
