Double A+ Advantage
As students experience continued success with our methods, they get more excited about each visit. As their efficacy raises, students begin to expect and believe that they are supposed to do well.
Math Programs That Work
Double A+ is a proven dynamic math program that through the intentional process of embedding Research Based Best Practice Instructional strategies into our framework, has developed a methodology that ensures students’ academic success. At Double A+ we have a tradition of creating success stories with students who have a history of math failures.
Double A+ has the distinct advantage of its founder, Jerry Stephens, using these research-based strategies in the classroom every day for the past 22 years. The results have been phenomenal. These same proven strategies and techniques, that have been so successful in the classroom for the past 22 years, shape the foundation of the Double A+ philosophy and methodology of instruction.
Our Founder, Jerry Stephens
As a math teacher for over 20 years in the state of Texas, I truly understand that when students say, “Math is hard,” that is simply a code for “I don’t understand.” My 22 years of teaching, however, has shown me the reality is that all students have the ability to truly understand math. After applying our methodology of instruction, former cries of “math is hard” becomes, “I get it! This is really simple!” Hence our motto: We make math simple.
- Secondary District math Specialist for Stafford MSD
- Taught math in TX for 15 years before establishing Double A+
- Founded Double A+ in 2007
- Has a degree in Engineering and Mathematics
- Has won the prestigious honor of teacher of the year in both 2007 and 2013. Was nominated again in 2016 but declined
- Developed his own curriculum that consitantly allowed for over 90% of his students to be successful on the Texas State Assessment
Unique aspects of Double A+ Tutorials
- Advantage of using research-based strategies to teach students
- Methods that have resulted from over 20 years of classroom research
- Guaranteed effectiveness for any student participating in the program
- 90% of our students are successful on the state assessment test
- Multiple packages available for all budgets